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动作电影《谍影重重4》是由托尼·吉尔罗伊导演,杰瑞米·雷纳、 蕾切尔·薇兹、 爱德华·诺顿、 琼·艾伦、 奥斯卡、 奥斯卡·伊萨克、 唐纳·墨菲、 寇瑞·斯托尔、 大卫·斯特雷泽恩等明星主演的一部欧美电影。《谍影重重4》在欧美拍摄完成,于2012年上映,获得了不错的口碑和很高的电影票房,堪称经典动作电影,咕嘟剧情网欢迎您的观看。






第19届美国演员工会奖 电影最佳特技群像(提名) Richard Burden/Eddie Fiola/Jill Brown/Blaise Corrigan/迪基·比尔
第12届凤凰城影评人协会奖 最佳特技表演(提名)
第15届美国青少年选择奖 最佳动作片(提名)



  • 1、本杰伯恩只是冰山一角。
  • 2、我们必须找出“绊脚石”。
  • 3、Dr.Shearing: Can you help us? Please.
    Police: Should be up there now. He said it's the room where they spent the night.
    Jason: Well, we had a problem with Treadstone six years ago. The Blackbriar program, detailed in the operations report you have before you, was activated solely to capture a Treadstone operative gone rogue.
    Reporter: Pam, what are you going to do?
    Agent: We have nothing for you now.
    Jason: I don't know Pamela Landy's reasons for criminally assisting an enemy of the United States. But the fact is, she lacked the operational clearance to access, much less interpret, the information you have in the classified file before you.
    Reporter: Pam, there's a rumor that you're going to be indicted, is it true?
    Pam: Mike, can you comment?
    Reporter: Have you been subpoenaed?
    Pam: We're here voluntarily. We came for a meeting.
    Reporter: Have you had any contact with Jason Bourne? Did you receive a target letter or not? Are we going to see you tomorrow?
    Jason: I just thank God that there were hands steady enough to make sure that the documents. She tried to shop to the press were contained before they could do any more harm than they already have.
    Reporter: Are you still scheduled to appear at the House Intelligence Committee?
    Pam: Yes, I am. Look, anything else is going to have to come from my attorneys, okay?
    Reporter: Do you regret your earlier statement?
    Pam: I regret a lot of things. I'm not sure that one is on the list.
    Agent: Thank you, guys.
    Reporter: Hey. Hey.
    Dr.Shearing: Are we lost?
    Aaron: No. Just looking at our options.
    Dr.Shearing: I was kind of hoping we were lost.
  • 4、我从来没有见过计划中的其他人。

