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警匪电影《紧急盯梢令》是由James Landis导演,Bing Russell、 Bill Hale等明星主演的一部国产电影。《紧急盯梢令》在国产拍摄完成,于0年上映,获得了不错的口碑和很高的电影票房,堪称经典警匪电影,咕嘟剧情网欢迎您的观看。


Father Joe Dasco, played by actor Bing Russell, is realeased from prison after servering a three year term for bank robber. He reunites with his ten year old son, played by actor Billy E. Hughes, Jr. The two go from place to place looking for work in the oil fields of Texas. Not able to hold a job, Joe Dasco, Sr. along with actor, Bill Foster and Robert "Whitey" Hughes, scheme a kidnapping of an oil barons son, played by Christopher Wayne. The kiddnapping goes sour and Joe Dasco is shot and killed, leaving his Joey [Billy E. Hughes, Jr.] to be award of the state



  • 影片地区:国产
  • 影片导演:James Landis
  • 主要演员:Bing Russell Bill Hale
  • 语言字幕:国语对白  中文字幕
  • 上映时间:未录入年
  • 剧情介绍:《紧急盯梢令》又名《Stakeout!》《紧急盯梢令》标签:犯罪Father Joe Dasco, played by actor Bing Russell, is real...>>>详细[紧急盯梢令]
  • 更新:2012-07-25