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剧情电影《奇迹》是由Rajiv、Mehra导演,纳萨鲁丁·沙、 沙鲁克·罕、 Urmila、 Matondkar、 Shammi、 Kapoor等明星主演的一部海外电影。《奇迹》在海外拍摄完成,于1992年上映,获得了不错的口碑和很高的电影票房,堪称经典剧情电影,咕嘟剧情网欢迎您的观看。


under Srivastava (Shahrukh Khan) is a young graduate whose main ambition in life is to fulfill his father’s dream of starting a school on his half-acre property in his village, though he has no funds to execute his plans. Sunder’s childhood friend Prem, a seasoned conman who operates in Bombay, convinces the gullible Sunder to mortgage his land to the village Zamindar (landlord) and fly to Dubai. Prem promises Sunder a handsomely paying teacher’s job in Dubai that would give Sunder enough money to start his school within two years. Sunder does as told and arrives in Bombay to meet Prem; not only is there no sign of his friend at the station, but Sunder also gets unwittingly involved with a petty thief who robs him of all his luggage and money. To make matters worse, when Sunder reaches Prem’s lodge, he finds an apologetic letter from Prem informing him that he has used his Rs.10,000 to get himself to Dubai instead and will one day repay him.



  • 影片地区:海外
  • 影片导演:Rajiv Mehra
  • 主要演员:纳萨鲁丁·沙 沙鲁克·罕 Urmila Matondkar Shammi Kapoor
  • 语言字幕:中文字幕对白  中文字幕
  • 上映时间:1992年
  • 剧情介绍:under Srivastava (Shahrukh Khan) is a young graduate whose main ambition in life is to fulfill his father’s dream of starting ...>>>详细[奇迹]
  • 更新:2012-06-04