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剧情电影《年轻人》是由托尼·理查德森导演,Zachary、 Scott、 Bernie、 Hamilton、 Key、 Meersman等明星主演的一部墨西哥/美国/欧美电影。《年轻人》在墨西哥/美国/欧美拍摄完成,于1960年上映,获得了不错的口碑和很高的电影票房,堪称经典剧情电影,咕嘟剧情网欢迎您的观看。


看岛人米勒(赞崔利·史考特 Zachary Scott 饰)和13岁的少女艾薇(凯·米尔斯曼 Key Meersman 饰)共同生活在北卡罗来纳州海岸某孤岛上。艾薇的爷爷刚去世,米勒找来了大陆上的朋友杰克森(卡拉罕·丹顿 Crahan Denton 饰)和牧师弗里特伍德(克劳迪奥·布鲁克Claudio Brook 饰)上岛来实行葬礼。牧师发现艾薇没有受洗,决定不日再回岛,带艾薇上大陆教堂接受洗礼。在米勒下岛采买的过程中,一个陌生的黑人乐手特拉弗(博尼·汉密尔顿 Bernie Hamilton 饰)架小木船偷偷上岛。在修葺木船的等待过程中,艾薇与特拉弗建立了友谊。米勒返岛后发现特拉弗,大发雷霆,却同时利用机会引诱了少女艾薇。几日后杰克森和牧师弗里特伍德再次上岛,特拉弗被认作逃犯,命悬一线;而米勒奸污少女的罪行也行将泄漏…… 本片被提名法国嘎纳电影节金棕榈最佳影片,并获“特别提名”奖。
Returning to the 18th-century world of his immensely successful TOM JONES, Tony Richardson adapts another of Henry Fielding's picaresque novels, this time with Peter Firth as the title character. Employed as a servant in the household of Sir Thomas Booby (Peter Bull), the pure-hearted Joseph is in love with Fanny Goodwill (Natalie Ogle), one of the housemaids. But Joseph is plagued by the unwanted attentions of the copiously endowed former actress Lady Booby (Ann-Margret), who becomes even more aggressive after the death of her husband. When he refuses the advances of his employer, Joseph is beaten by her minions and left for dead before being rescued by a passing coach. He finally reunites with his friend Parson Adams (Michael Hordern), who has just saved Fanny from rape. As the farcical plot accelerates, the virtuous trio get into a surprising number of scrapes, narrowly avoid being jailed for crimes they didn't commit, and are unwittingly lured to a Black Mass organized by an evil nobleman. Meanwhile, Lady Booby, scheming to ensure that the marriage of the young couple never occurs, has Fanny framed and arrested for robbery. The film is well acted by its outstanding British cast, but Ann-Margret steals the show as the lascivious Lady Booby.



  • 影片地区:墨西哥/美国/欧美
  • 影片导演:托尼·理查德森
  • 主要演员:Zachary Scott Bernie Hamilton Key Meersman
  • 语言字幕:英语对白  中文字幕
  • 上映时间:1960年
  • 剧情介绍:看岛人米勒(赞崔利·史考特 Zachary Scott 饰)和13岁的少女艾薇(凯·米尔斯曼 Key Meersman 饰)共同生活在北卡罗来纳州海岸某孤岛上。艾...>>>详细[年轻人]
  • 更新:2014-09-26