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剧情电影《人造天堂巴西版》是由咕嘟导演,Nathalia、 Dill等明星主演的一部欧美电影。《人造天堂巴西版》在欧美拍摄完成,于2012年上映,获得了不错的口碑和很高的电影票房,堪称经典剧情电影,咕嘟剧情网欢迎您的观看。


The movie"s narrative goes back, forth and spins around the problematic relationship between Erika (Nathalia Dill), a professional DJ, and cartoonist Nando (Luca Bianchi), who gets mixed up in the murky world of ecstasy and LSD dealing. Having as background the universe of mega raves and electronic music festivals, the film portrays the maturation of its protagonists from their experiences with family and friends. Set in the 2000s, the film is narrated in three acts: first takes place in Amsterdam, second, at a rave by the sea and third a few years after the first act, in Rio de Janeiro, where Nando faces family problems, mainly with his younger brother, Lipe, and where, eventually, he finds Erika。



  • 影片地区:欧美
  • 影片导演:咕嘟
  • 主要演员:Nathalia Dill
  • 语言字幕:葡萄牙语对白  中文字幕
  • 上映时间:2012年
  • 剧情介绍:The movie"s narrative goes back, forth and spins around the problematic relationship between Erika (Nathalia Dill), a professional D...>>>详细[人造天堂巴西版]
  • 更新:2013-04-23