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科幻电影《世界之战》是由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格导演,汤姆·克鲁斯、 达寇塔·范宁、 米兰达·奥图、 贾斯汀·查特文、 蒂姆·罗宾斯、 达科塔·范宁等明星主演的一部欧美/美国电影。《世界之战》在欧美/美国拍摄完成,于2005年上映,获得了不错的口碑和很高的电影票房,堪称经典科幻电影,咕嘟剧情网欢迎您的观看。



雷对于妻子的离去只知道怨天尤人,依然老是忽略自己的儿女。不过,这个周末,由于有事,前妻不得不把孩子送来让雷照顾。不同以往的是,天空突然阴云密布,几道闪电屡次击中街道,似乎有什么怪事即将发生。费瑞尔觉察到闪电有点不同寻常,但他不知道,一场毁天灭地的灾难即将来临。突然,一辆坠入地下的外星战车从马路中一跃而起,小镇顿时乱作一团    。






奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖) 2006
最佳音效剪辑(提名) Richard King
Best Achievement in Sound Mixing (提名) Anna Behlmer Andy Nelson
最佳视觉效果(提名) 丹尼斯·穆伦 Daniel Sudick Pablo Helman Randy Dutra
Best Achievement in Sound Mixing (提名) Ron Judkins
金卫星奖(Satellite Award) 2005
Outstanding Visual Effects (提名) Randy Dutra
Outstanding Overall DVD (提名)
Outstanding Visual Effects (提名) Daniel Sudick
Outstanding Visual Effects (提名) 丹尼斯·穆伦
Outstanding Visual Effects (提名) Pablo Helman
Outstanding Film Editing (提名) 迈克尔·卡恩
美国青少年观众票选大奖(Teen Choice Award) 2005
Choice Summer Movie (提名)
爱尔兰电视电影奖 2005
Best International Actress (提名) 达科塔·范宁
广播影评人协会奖 2006
Best Young Actress 达科塔·范宁
土星奖(Saturn Award) 2006
Best Special Effects (提名) Pablo Helman
Best Special Effects (提名) Daniel Sudick
Best Science Fiction Film (提名)
Best Special Effects (提名) Randy Dutra
Best Special Effects (提名) 丹尼斯·穆伦
Best Performance by a Younger Actor 达科塔·范宁
最佳男演员(提名) 汤姆·克鲁斯
最佳音乐(提名) 约翰·威廉姆斯
最佳导演(提名) 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格
Best Writing (提名) 大卫·凯普
俄亥俄中部影评人协会(COFCA Award) 2006
Best Sound Design
World Soundtrack Awards 2005
Best Original Soundtrack of the Year 约翰·威廉姆斯
Soundtrack Composer of the Year (提名) 约翰·威廉姆斯
Visual Effects Society Awards(VES Award) 2006
Best Single Visual Effect of the Year Sandra Scott
Outstanding Compositing in a Motion Picture Marshall Richard Krasser
Best Single Visual Effect of the Year Marshall Richard Krasser
Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Motion Picture Russell Paul
Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Motion Picture Steve Gawley
Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Motion Picture Edward Hirsh
Outstanding Compositing in a Motion Picture Jeff Saltzman
Outstanding Compositing in a Motion Picture Mike Jamieson
Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Motion Picture Joshua Ong
Best Single Visual Effect of the Year 丹尼斯·穆伦
Best Single Visual Effect of the Year Pablo Helman
Outstanding Compositing in a Motion Picture W. Regan McGee
Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA(Golden Reel Award) 2006
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Sound Effects Foley Richard King
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Sound Effects Foley Christopher Flick
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Sound Effects Foley Aaron Glascock
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Sound Effects Foley Hamilton Sterling
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Sound Effects Foley Michael W. Mitchell
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Sound Effects Foley Piero Mura
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Sound Effects Foley Mark Pappas
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Sound Effects Foley Jonathan Klein
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Sound Effects Foley Gary A. Hecker
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Sound Effects Foley Michael J. Broomberg
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Dialogue and Automated Dialogue Replacement (提名) Laura Graham
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Dialogue and Automated Dialogue Replacement (提名) Michael Magill
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Dialogue and Automated Dialogue Replacement (提名) Richard King
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Dialogue and Automated Dialogue Replacement (提名) Hugo Weng
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Dialogue and Automated Dialogue Replacement (提名) Linda Folk
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Sound Effects Foley Michael Babcock
Best Sound Editing in Feature Film - Dialogue and Automated Dialogue Replacement (提名) R.J. Kizer
MTV电影奖 2006
最佳惊悚表演(提名) 达科塔·范宁
Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards 2005
Youth in Film 达科塔·范宁
Golden Trailer Awards(Golden Trailer) 2005
Summer 2005 Blockbuster
Best Action
Empire Awards, UK(Empire Award) 2006
最佳导演(提名) 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格
Cinema Audio Society, USA(C.A.S. Award) 2006
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Motion Pictures (提名) Anna Behlmer
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Motion Pictures (提名) Ron Judkins
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Motion Pictures (提名) Andy Nelson
BMI Film & TV Awards 2006
BMI Film Music Award 约翰·威廉姆斯

