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恐怖电影《墨西哥狼人》是由罗伯特·唐尼导演,Erika、 Fay、 Gabriel、 Gutierrez、 Michael、 Carreo、 Martine等明星主演的一部欧美电影。《墨西哥狼人》在欧美拍摄完成,于2005年上映,获得了不错的口碑和很高的电影票房,堪称经典恐怖电影,咕嘟剧情网欢迎您的观看。


Surreal, absurd, unique
Greaser's Palace is a comical, chaotic, absurdist and surreal religious parody. It's like El Topo meets The Life of Brian. Alan Arrbus plays a strange messiah-like zoot-suited actor/singer/dancer called Jessy, who one day parachutes into a field close to a Western town where a host of odd characters hang out, the main one being a constipated chap called Seaweedhead Greaser, who runs the titular saloon. Jessy has some miraculous traits - he can walk on water and heals some of the locals by telling them: "If you feel, you heal". One of the most memorable scenes (and my favourite) is when Jessy approaches a group of people praying and says to them: "I bring you a message. Exactly six miles north of Skagg Mountain in the Valley of Pain, there lives an evil devil-monster. His name is Bingo Gas Station Motel Cheeseburger With A Side Of Aircraft Noise And You'll Be Gary Indiana. And he loves to hurt people. The last time I saw Bingo Gas Station Motel Cheeseburger With A Side Of Aircraft Noise And You'll Be Gary Indiana, he told me what he wants to do. He wants to come down here and kill each and every one of you. But I said to him: 'Bingo, wait a minute!'. And the reason I said that is because I believe in you people. I believe you can do the job. I believe you can help each other. I believe you can make this world a better place to live in. That's it".
If you haven't seen this film then it must go on your must-see list of films, category surrealism. Chaotic cineastes will approve.



  • 影片地区:欧美
  • 影片导演:罗伯特·唐尼
  • 主要演员:Erika Fay Gabriel Gutierrez Michael Carreo Martine
  • 语言字幕:英语对白  中文字幕
  • 上映时间:2005年
  • 剧情介绍:在尘土飞扬的墨西哥边界发生了一连串残忍血腥的谋杀事件,这使的种族的纷争越演越烈,然而只有四名中学生知道事实真相——凶手...>>>详细[墨西哥狼人]
  • 更新:2014-11-02