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军嫂 第1季详细剧情介绍

军嫂 第1季

军嫂 第1季详细剧情介绍

军嫂 第1季简介:

美国电视剧《军嫂 第1季》是由Ben Younger导演,Katie、 Kneeland等明星主演的一部欧美电视剧。《军嫂 第1季》在欧美拍摄完成,于2007年上映,获得了不错的口碑和很高的收视率,堪称经典美国电视剧,咕嘟剧情网欢迎您的观看。

军嫂 第1季剧情介绍:

1名军人的妻子随丈夫来搬进军队基地,在那里她还有其他军人的妻子交上了伙伴。Lifetime频道推出的由王牌监制马克.戈登制作的电视剧《军嫂》(Army Wives),讲解述说了美军基地军人夫妻的故事。

Based on the non-fiction book originally titled Under the Sabers: The Unwritten Code of Army Wives, by Tanya Biank, the series is set at fictional Fort Marshall, at the old Charleston Naval Base, in North Charleston, South Carolina, home to the also fictional 23rd Airborne Division. The show itself is filmed in various locations such as the Charleston Air Force Base and the sound stage off Dorchester Road in the City of North Charleston. Some scenes have been shot in and around the City of Charleston. Fort Marshall is presumably based on the actual 82nd Airborne Division based at Fort Bragg.
In the pilot episode of Army Wives, "A Tribe is Born," Roxy (Sally Pressman) impetuously decides to marry Private First Class Trevor LeBlanc (Drew Fuller) and moves with her two children to his Army post. Floundering in her new life as an Army wife, she takes a job as a bartender at a local joint known for being a Jody bar (where civilian men go to hit on enlisted men's wives). While on the post, Roxy meets Claudia Joy Holden (Kim Delaney), who believes that her husband Col. Michael Holden's (Brian McNamara) promotion did not come through because of base politics. Another Army wife, Pamela Moran (Brigid Brannagh), is pregnant with twins; she's secretly acting as a surrogate to get her family out of debt. Pamela's husband Chase is a non-commissioned officer assigned to the highly secretive and often deployed special operations unit Delta Force. Meanwhile, psychiatrist Roland Burton (Sterling K. Brown) is trying to reconnect with his wife, Lieutenant Colonel Joan Burton (Wendy Davis), who has just returned from Afghanistan. And, Denise Sherwood (Catherine Bell) is dealing with her son Jeremy's anger issues and her strict husband; Major Frank Sherwood (Terry Serpico) is about to be deployed. The unlikely group bonds when Pamela unexpectedly goes into labor at Claudia Joy's wives' tea party and subsequently gives birth on the pool table in the bar where Roxy works. Not wanting everyone to know her family's dire financial situation, Pamela relies on these new friends (and Claudia Joy, who was already a good friend) to keep her surrogacy from being exposed.
As the first season progresses, the four women and Roland all become close friends. They face things such as deployments, abuse, hostage situations, adultery, post-traumatic stress disorder death, and prescription drug addiction.
本剧讲述美军基地军人伉俪的故事。帕梅拉·莫兰曾就职于波士顿警局,现在退居二线甘 当全职太太声援丈夫工作。丹尼斯舍伍德竭力隐藏自身的伤痛,欢乐维持完善的军嫂和 母亲笼统。克劳迪亚·乔伊霍顿是个备受别的人关注的人物,她竭力声援位居要职的丈夫 并且传对抗个她过去的机密能永远不为人知。 洛克西·李布朗是PFC特雷佛·李布朗的新婚 老婆,她与丈夫结识仅4天便结婚,因此对军旅生涯一无所知,连她自身都不确定她可否 适应这里的生涯…

军嫂 第1季介绍地址:http://m.goodoole.com/meiguo/26804.html

军嫂 第1季推荐理由::

2007年 WinFemme Film Festival(WIN Award) Outstanding Drama Series
2008年 ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards(ASCAP Award) Top TV Series Marc Fantini
2008年 ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards(ASCAP Award) Top TV Series Scott Gordon

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军嫂 第1季基本信息简介

  • 影片地区:欧美
  • 影片导演:Ben Younger
  • 主要演员:Katie Kneeland
  • 语言字幕:英语对白  中文字幕
  • 上映时间:2007年
  • 剧情介绍: 1名军人的妻子随丈夫来搬进军队基地,在那里她还有其他军人的妻子交上了伙伴。Lifetime频道推出的由王牌监制马克.戈登制作的电视剧《军嫂》...>>>详细[军嫂 第1季]
  • 更新:2014-09-27