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美国电视剧《流亡.第一季》是由John Alexander导演,John、 Simm、 Jim、 Broadbent、 Olivia、 Colman等明星主演的一部欧美电视剧。《流亡.第一季》在欧美拍摄完成,于2011年上映,获得了不错的口碑和很高的收视率,堪称经典美国电视剧,咕嘟剧情网欢迎您的观看。


描述了:John Simm和Jim Broadbent团结出演BBC一台三集生理惊悚新剧。John Simm, Jim Broadbent, Olivia Colman, Claire Goose, Shaun Dooley 和Timothy West出演由Paul Abbott创作,Danny Brocklehurst编写的三集关于浪子转头的生理惊悚新剧。 当Tom Ronstadt人财两空的时间,他做了一件18年来从没做过的事情---回家,回北方。 这不禁让他追念起那个让他决定离开的夜晚。真相是什么让他那个弥漫仁爱之心的记者父亲打了他?TOM偶然中发明了什么使得SAM冒死克制呢? TOM的到来使妹妹Nancy大喊意外。哥哥的离开给她带来的不但有伤心,而且有伤害。她还对这些年来没得到哥哥的资助而感想愤怒。但是当他们的父亲得了阿尔茨海默氏症以后,齐备就变得没那么简略了。 Nancy离开的几天,Tom不得不做起了从未经历过的陪护事情。他开心的引发父亲的大脑,缓缓地让他想起1989年的那个夜晚,那个突如其来,让他莫名其妙被赶出家门的那个夜晚。 Sam睡着后Tom去了酒吧。他和那边的办事员Mandy调情,并使出老花招和那个女的过了一夜。 和老校友Mike喝酒之后,Tom想起来他为什么会离开了。在影象里,他父亲狠毒地打着他,而“Metzler”这个名字清楚地出现在他办公室的文件上。Metzler是Mike的现任老板—--委员会主席。这对Tom来说又有什么用呢.......
Exile is a new drama series for BBC One. Created by Paul Abbott and written by Danny Brocklehurst, this three part drama is a psychological thriller that tells an intimate story of prodigal redemption.
John Simm plays Tom Ronstadt, a successful London journalist whose world has fallen apart and it’s all his own doing. With his career and life in ruins he decides to return to his hometown in Lancashire for the first time in 18 years. He finds his father Sam (Jim Broadbent), who Tom idolised as a child, in the grip of Alzheimer’s – a once formidable man now being cared for by his younger sister Nancy (Olivia Coleman).
Over the three episodes Tom unravels the mystery linked to his childhood that drove him away all those years ago. In trying to extract information and encouraging him to remember the past, Tom becomes increasingly frustrated with his father’s failure to remember. He persists unaware that he is unearthing a devastating crime that will reveal secrets he could never have imagined.
Shaun Dooley, Timothy West and Claire Goose will also star.






  • 影片地区:欧美
  • 影片导演:John Alexander
  • 主要演员:John Simm Jim Broadbent Olivia Colman
  • 语言字幕:英语对白  中文字幕
  • 上映时间:2011年
  • 剧情介绍:描述了:John Simm和Jim Broadbent团结出演BBC一台三集生理惊悚新剧。John Simm, Jim Broadbent, Olivia Colman, Cla...>>>详细[流亡.第一季]
  • 更新:2014-09-30