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美国电视剧《克兰弗德》是由西蒙·柯蒂斯导演,朱迪·丹奇、 迈克尔·刚本、 伊梅尔达·斯汤顿、 西蒙·伍兹、 金伯莉·尼克松、 Lisa Dillon等明星主演的一部欧美电视剧。《克兰弗德》在欧美拍摄完成,于2007年上映,获得了不错的口碑和很高的收视率,堪称经典美国电视剧,咕嘟剧情网欢迎您的观看。


帷幕拉开的时候是1842年的六月,克兰富德镇上的两位姐妹Miss Jenkyns和Miss Matty正在尘封好久的客房里打扫,因为她们故友的女儿Mary Smith受不了年龄几乎和自己相仿的后母,写信来要和她们同住.在克兰福德镇上,Miss Jenkyns 是个举足轻重的人物,她个性强烈,对任何事物都有着自己的见解,是妹妹Miss matty赖以依靠的生活指南,也是小镇老小姐社交圈中的精神领袖.除了她们,Miss Pole是小镇流言小道消息的发布源,这位小姐精力充沛,对一切充满好奇,敬业精神一如我们时代的怕怕拉奇.她们保留着经年不变的社交习惯,互相拜访的时间只能在午后,礼节性的拜访不能超过15分钟,连在餐桌上吃汁水多的橙子也成了挑战礼仪的小敌,最后格守规矩的Miss Jenkyns只能建议大家各自带橙回房.在这样封闭刻板的小世界里,能惊起一滩鸥鹭的只能是外来的陌生人了……

Scripted by Heidi Thomas (I Capture The Castle, Madam Bovary, Lilies), this witty and poignant landmark drama captures the small absurdities and major tragedies in the lives of the people of Cranford, as they are besieged by forces they cannot hope to withstand.
In 1842, Cranford is a small rural Cheshire town on the cusp of great changes. Some people find romance and opportunities, while others fear the breakdown of social order.
Who will embrace the changes on offer by becoming modern?
Three Elizabeth Gaskell novels have been woven together to create this uniquely rich and comic drama about ordinary human lives during the course of one extraordinary year in this small town.
Jane Tranter, Controller, BBC Fiction, says: "To have Judi Dench, Sue Birtwistle and Heidi Thomas on one drama serial is an honour for BBC Drama.
"Cranford is a beautifully big and ambitious period drama - just the way we like them!
"The logistics of mounting such a production have inevitably taken a while to pull together, but the best things are well worth waiting for, and we are all very excited at the prospect of such a piece, and of welcoming Judi Dench back to the BBC."
Dame Judi will play Miss Matty Jenkyns, whose hopes and lively spirit were crushed when she was forced as a young woman to give up the man she loved and to live afterwards in the shadow of her elder sister, Deborah, the arbiter of correctness in Cranford.
Judi Dench says: "I am so excited to be doing Cranford. A summer of fun to look forward to!"
Producer Sue Birtwistle was the force behind the highly-acclaimed television productions of Pride And Prejudice and Wives And Daughters.
She says: "Five years ago, I made a wish: to be allowed to conjure an entirely new drama out of three Elizabeth Gaskell novels, and to persuade Judi Dench to play Miss Matty. Dream come true. Is one allowed to be this lucky?"
Further casting is to be announced.
The drama serial is produced by BBC Drama Production and WGBH in association with Chestermead Ltd.
Cranford begins filming in April 2007 in the Cotswolds and London.
The producer is Sue Birtwistle; executive producer is Kate Harwood for BBC Drama Production.
Cranford will follow critically-acclaimed classics such as Bleak House, To The Ends Of The Earth, Jane Eyre, The Way We Live Now, Our Mutual Friend and Andrew Davies' adaptation of Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives And Daughters.

故事发生在一八四二年六月的克兰福德镇,杰奇小姐(朱迪·丹奇 Judi Dench 饰)正在为了迎接她的新住客——故友的女儿玛丽(Lisa Dillon 饰)而进行着紧张而又精心的准备,对于这个墨守成规的小镇来说,没有什么消息能比一个陌生人即将到来更能让人们兴奋的了,“万事通”波洛小姐(伊梅尔达·斯汤顿 Imelda Staunton 饰)也是其中的一员。
布朗上校(吉姆·卡特 Jim Carter 饰)的大女儿杰西(茱莉亚·萨瓦哈 Julia Sawalha 饰)因为不愿意丢下孤苦伶仃的父亲而拒绝了多桩婚事,热情的玛丽决定帮一帮这位善良的姑娘。与此同时,“大龄剩女”卡罗琳(Selina Griffiths 饰)遇见了令她心动的哈里森医生(西蒙·伍兹 Simon Woods 饰),主动出击的她能够获得美满的爱情吗?




2008年 第11届 英国电影学院奖(BAFTA Film Award) 最佳女主角 艾琳·阿特金斯
2008年 金卫星奖 Best Actress in a Miniseries or a Motion Picture Made for Television 朱迪·丹奇
2008年 艾美奖 Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie 艾琳·阿特金斯

