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巴尔干半岛是臭名昭著的史上最伟大的战场之一。然而,它拥有鲜为人知的另一面。在古老的森林,广阔的湿地,原始的荒野,悬崖峭壁和荒凉高原维持着一种看似不变的原始状态。这里奇特的景观,会让人们感到已经到了托尔金的小说《魔戒》的中土世界。事实上,在克罗地亚的Kopacki rit湿地,因战争而四处留雷,但这也使人类远离此地,本地的野生动物得以蓬勃发展。再往南,黑山的塔拉河通过欧洲最长和最深的峡谷,与周边的森林共同为巴尔干的猞猁等珍稀动物提供庇护。到东部,数以百万计的鸟类聚集到多瑙河三角洲,成群的蚊子是它们的盛宴。在西巴尔干的斯卡达尔湖国家公园有着山峰和水景观湖。这是一个被时间遗忘的世界。这是野性的巴尔干。

类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
又名: 野性巴尔干

The Balkan Peninsula is notorious for being one of the great battlegrounds of history. And yet, it possesses another side unknown to many, where ancient forests and vast wetlands harbor pristine wilderness, and sheer cliff walls and desolate plateaus preserve a seemingly unchanged past. Surveying these striking and stark landscapes, one might think they’ve ventured into the Middle-earth of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.
Indeed the Balkan Peninsula is home to a variety of regions that border on mythical. In Croatia’s Kopacki Rit Wetlands, land mines keep people away, but enable native wildlife to thrive. Further south, Montenegro’s Tara River carves through Europe’s longest and deepest canyon, and neighboring forests provide refuge to rare animals such as the Balkan Lynx. To the east, millions of birds flock to the Danube Delta to feast on swarms of mosquitoes. And at the west of the Balkans is Skadar Lake, a remarkable landscape of peaks and water.
This is a journey to a world seemingly forgotten by time. This is the wild Balkans.





  • 影片地区:美国
  • 影片导演:暂缺
  • 主要演员:视频内详
  • 语言字幕:国语对白  中文字幕
  • 上映时间:2016年
  • 剧情介绍:巴尔干半岛是臭名昭著的史上最伟大的战场之一。然而,它拥有鲜为人知的另一面。在古老的森林,广阔的湿地,原始的荒野,悬崖峭壁和荒凉高原维...>>>详细[野性巴尔干群岛]
  • 更新:2016-03-16