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1947年,Rachawadee,一个17岁的女孩儿,来到了Kulnaree学校成为一名老师。在学校里,有一个座古老的庄园。Rachawadee 常感觉有人陪伴着她,听过发生在故园里关于王室的传说之后,特别是听了Than-chai* Rangsithorn和Than-chai Yai的故事 以后(他们都在年轻的时候离开了)。 Rachawadee开始对这个庄园感兴趣。到Kulnaree的第一夜,她做了一个梦,梦里有庄园和一首叫做 “Lao Mankaew”的歌。一个男人在梦里叫她Chao Nang Noi。让她惊奇的是,有很多人说她长的像Chao Nang Noi。 Than-chai Yai的灵魂引导她到了河畔的白色别墅。在哪儿她看到了一幅油画,画中的女人非常像她。其他人,Mom- rajawong* Jirayut——学校所有者的儿子,在庄园里第一次见到她的时候就爱上了她。Mom-rajawong* Jirayut的姑姑 Than-ying Wilairekha,被长像酷似Chao Nang Noi的Rachawadee吓到。Chao Nang Noi是来泰国学习 的老挝王室,而Than-ying Wilairekha在Than-chai Yai娶Chao Nang Noi之前曾是他的未婚妻。
Meaningful story about love. The story began when Ann as Rachawadee started her day by coming to the famous school located near the remorse palace of a royal family as a teacher and the teachers was staying in the house near the school, when she was sitting in the car on the way from the main gate through the building of the school she saw a guy with white clothes staring at her, she felt strange but ignored it. The first day she slept on the teacher's dorm she dreamt of the remorse palace and someone calling out her name until she woke up and saw the palace through the window of her room with curiousity. Eventually she knew that she looked like Chak Nang Noi, the bride of the owner of the palace. Chak Nang Noi was a beautiful princess from Lao who was not being akcnowledge since she was not from Thailand royal family even though her aunt was the concubine of the Thai's king. The prince, Chak nang noi aunt's grandson fell for her and created a beautiful song for her, Chak Nang Noi playing the violin while he was playing the piano, both were in love. Hence they got married despite the fact that he had a fiance but his ex-fiance poisoned Chak Nang Noi until she died and the prince also died of sadness. Rachawadee could remember their song and played it with her violin without even realising it.
The prince (Num) ghost was still there waiting for Chak Nang noi to come back, he befriended with Rachwadee and she fell for him one more time. However the prince's ex-fiance was still alive as the owner of the school and her nephew (Chai) who owned the palace was in love with Rachawadee, she tried to hurt Rachawadee by poisoning her but at the end she died of terrible death and Rachawadee still alive. Rachawadee was sad because the prince's spirit who taught her to play piano who she had been in loved with already gone so she lived in temple and died there. Years later the prince had rebirth as the son of the ex-fiance's nephew with evil mother while Rachawadee rebirth as a daugther of Rachawadee's friend and they met again fell in love and overcome the obstacles until they got married and lived in the palace. It's a fate.

三世情缘分集剧情介绍:逝去的王子与公主 瑞萨温蒂是刚从教会学校毕业的老师,父亲将送到学校任职,校长安排她和Tawin老师一起工作。Tawin老师对她说了王室过去的情况,其中包括英年早逝的Rangsitorn王子,就她们说话的时候,王子的灵魂忽然从远处显现了。瑞萨温蒂看着手里的东西,想起了小时候母亲温蒂在轰炸中死去的一幕,不久她又看见了坐落在远处的一座宫殿,王子的灵魂又在显现了(她当然看不见),而她得知宫殿这时早被封了。晚上,瑞萨温蒂梦见自己去宫殿,王子的灵魂又显现了。瑞萨温蒂在那里听到一首似曾相识的歌,王子的灵魂忽然告诉她,那叫《Lao Mankaew》,她感觉歌名好像听过,可这时却被叫醒了。瑞萨温蒂被送到了主人家,那家的夫人忽然认出她竟然很像过去的一位公主。她跟校长提起了那位公主的一切:她的名字叫Jao Nang Noy, Rachawadee的母亲小时候就是她宠爱的女仆。不久,亲王的女儿Wan来了,她骄横无礼地挑剔了瑞萨温蒂,然后特意来找这家的少爷Yuth…… ...[三世情缘分集剧情]
