位置:咕嘟 > 美国电视剧 > 最高档第十八季 > 最高档第十八季海报剧照



几年前三位主持人说:罗马尼亚的泛弗格拉什高速路是世界上最优秀的公路,但很多"无所不知"的美国人说:弗吉尼亚州的蓝岭山公路才是世界上最优秀的公路。为了实地检测这种说法的正确性,制片人让三位随意选车,然后去蓝岭山转转。 克拉克森相中了奔驰SLS AMG,詹姆斯钟情于法拉利458 Italia,哈蒙德一如既往地痴迷保时捷911 GT3 RS。 然而蓝岭山公路让他们大失所望,好在纳斯卡车队的故乡就在附近,去领略一番也不虚此行。 播报新闻时,克拉克森兴致勃勃的试飞iPhone观景器,却一不留神碰到了顶灯线路,于是TopGear经历了一次烛光演播。 本次邀请的嘉宾是丹尼·博伊尔,也许你不熟悉这个名字,但相信你一定听说过《127小时》,丹尼·博伊尔就是该片的导演。 最后,三位主持人接到一项挑战任务:前往一个美国电视谈话节目,演播室的位置在纽约市内,只有最先到达的人才能参与访谈节目。复杂的交通状况令他们焦头烂额,绕着目的地左冲右突,最后竟然是“慢船长”第一个抵达,然而迎接他的确是......
The team head to the North Pole by car - something never before attempted and something they were going to attempt by two different methods. One team composed of Jezza (Jeremy Clarkson) and Captain Slow (James May) in the car and the other team being Hamster (Richard Hammond), Mattie McNair (one of the world's leading sled-dog explorers and racers) and 10 huskie dogs.
The car (of course) was a Toyota Hilux kitted out with "Cuban Wheels" (as Jeremy called them), heavy duty suspension, a toughened sump-guard and heavy-duty fog-lamps (which turned out to be as useful as Captain Slow attempting a land-speed record). The dogs insisted on urinating on Hammond and fighting amongst themselves, but were definitely up to the job.
Each team would race each other but before they began, the guys were sent to a cold weather training camp to give them an idea of what they'd be facing. A doctor told them what would happen if they forgot to seal their trousers and how to go to the toilet without a polar bear giving them bother but the guys weren't taking him seriously. The next day Jeremy taught Hammond how to ski (despite Hamster's cries of fear) and a man from the British SAS with a distorted face showed Jeremy how cold it could be if he fell through a hole in the ice. Still, the Top Gear crew weren't taking the dangers seriously so legendary explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes was brought in to demonstrate how dangerous this region could be.
Eventually though, they were off. With a copious supply of gin, Jezza and Slow blitzed the open ground North of Camp Resolute and left Hamster in their powdered snow in pursuit of the pole. Hammond was the tortoise in this race and fell from his dog-sled with alarming regularity. This was until they reached the legendary 'boulder-fields' - huge lumps of snow and ice that would leave your average semi-detached property cowering in their shadows. As the ice started to crack beneath the wheels of the pickup-truck, the boys started to realize that they should have paid more attention to the warnings they had been given before they set off.
What followed was an adventure that involved Icelandic experts, a "bumper-dumper", James May showing off with a pump-action shotgun, a cracked fuel-tank, broken ice, extreme cold, kite-surfing, inflating tyres with explosive gas, Jeremy forgetting that cold metal will stick to your lips, a pointless game of "I-Spy", and more excitement than you could ever expect from your every-day episode of the world's most popular motoring show.
