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J.A.斯特林堡的代表作。独幕悲剧 。1888年首演。主人公朱丽小姐性格怪僻,未婚夫忍无可忍,婚约告吹。仲夏夜,她找名叫让的男仆跳舞,让出身低贱,对朱丽小姐艳羡已久,便乘机求爱,说 为了得到小姐垂爱,宁愿一死。朱丽小姐大为感动,便顺从地委身于让,并合谋私奔。朱丽偷了父亲的钱做盘费,被厨娘发现,这时门铃大响,她的父亲、体面的伯 爵大人回来了。她不想让自己和父亲身败名裂,求让出主意, 让递给她一把剃刀,让她自杀。朱丽镇定下来,持刀开门走了出去。

<Julie> (2011) is a contemporary version of August Strindberg's <Miss Julie>
“Miss Julie”, the theatre play by Swedish playwright August Strindberg, is a timeless story about the battle of the sexes, class barriers and the desire for love and sexual lust. Linda Wendel has been involved several times with material by Strindberg, most recently in “He and her play Strindberg”, which was screened in 2006 at the International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg in the “International Discoveries“ programme. In her new film she locates Strindberg's story of “Miss Julie“ in the milieu of professional tennis players. Julie is at the beginning of her career. She is driven by her ambitious father. The link between the two is the attractive trainer, who becomes the focus of Julie's longings. We follow her through one day in her life in which she rebels and embarks on a sensual adventure.
The film was shot in just eight days and filmed with a special digital camera. Extended shots without additional light create a space-time continuum similar to on the stage. Between theatre and cinema, Linda Wendel brings a new and contemporary life to this play, which is more than 100 years old.
