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流亡 第一季高清海报剧照

流亡 第一季海报,流亡 第一季剧照是由咕嘟电影网的编辑团队精心整理,欢迎分享至微博,开心网,人人网,QQ空间,博客等SNS社区,求关注,求分享,求转发!

Exile is a new drama series for BBC One. Created by Paul Abbott and written by Danny Brocklehurst, this three part drama is a psychological thriller that tells an intimate story of prodigal redemption.
John Simm plays Tom Ronstadt, a successful London journalist whose world has fallen apart and it’s all his own doing. With his career and life in ruins he decides to return to his hometown in Lancashire for the first time in 18 years. He finds his father Sam (Jim Broadbent), who Tom idolised as a child, in the grip of Alzheimer’s – a once formidable man now being cared for by his younger sister Nancy (Olivia Coleman).
Over the three episodes Tom unravels the mystery linked to his childhood that drove him away all those years ago. In trying to extract information and encouraging him to remember the past, Tom becomes increasingly frustrated with his father’s failure to remember. He persists unaware that he is unearthing a devastating crime that will reveal secrets he could never have imagined.
Shaun Dooley, Timothy West and Claire Goose will also star.
