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英俊潇洒有才的泰瑞赶回家参加父亲的葬礼,本准备葬礼结束后就回到哈佛商学院继续上学。...但他发现他父亲留下的漫画书店被他那个死宅废柴兄弟皮特照顾的一团糟,已经欠了银行一大笔钱,三天之内就要被收回,旁边阴险毒辣的运动品商店老板丹正虎视眈眈的盯着并购他们的店。泰瑞不忍看到皮特失去父亲留下来的漫画书店决定留下来帮助他,同时被众人发现了其实泰瑞半年前由于考试不及格已经被哈佛商学院退学。两兄弟该怎么在 办法拯救父亲的漫画书店?兄弟俩在这个过程中又有怎样的闹剧上演。。。。。。

Almost Heroes is a fast-paced, single camera comedy about coming home again... when home is the last place you ever thought you’d end up.
When seemingly slick and together Terry returns from Harvard business school for his father’s funeral, he expects it to be a quick trip down memory lane. But when he discovers the family comic book store is almost bankrupt, and he’s to blame, things get more complicated.  His head-in-the-clouds brother Peter is going to lose the store without help, and as far apart as they’ve grown, Terry can’t abandon his brother when he needs him most.
Now ‘all-business’ Terry and ‘all-fun’ Peter have to work together to save the store, and mend a relationship that has been broken for years. It’s an ongoing battle as Terry tries to get Peter to grow up and take responsibility, while Peter tries to get Terry to get back in touch with the inner child he turned his back on years ago.
Along with their larger-than-life best friend Bernie, who clearly carries a torch for Terry, they just try and keep themselves above water every week. Along the way this season they’ll face angry bikers, psychotic children, pirates, serial killers, love gone wrong, a medieval battle, and even a guy who shoots himself out of a cannon.
Before long we begin to see that even though Terry was only staying to save Peter, it might be Peter who does the saving. As much as Terry tries to deny it, the store might be where he belongs.
