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来自美国的女孩妮娜·马丁(Nathalia Ramos饰)离开奶奶,来到英国一所寄宿学校,住进一栋已有近百年历史的老宅子——阿努比斯公寓中。她刚刚入住,学校中一名叫乔伊的女生却神秘地被人接走了,学校方面刻意封锁有关消息,谁也不知道到底是为什么。乔伊在公寓里的床位被分配给了妮娜。而乔伊的室友、好朋友帕翠莎看到乔伊被妮娜所代替,心中疑惑重重,决心一定要把这一切都查个水落石出。与此同时,妮娜在公寓门外碰到一位老妇人,从她手里得到一个神秘挂饰。关于这个挂饰的秘密,就藏在公寓楼的阁楼里。严苛的楼管维克多,却将阁楼与地下室列为绝对禁止学生入内的禁地……这栋老宅子,到底还藏着什么样的秘密?尼克频道2011年新剧《阿努比斯公寓》,大部分演员为英国人,拍摄在英国进行。虽为美国公司投资制作,却绝对可以算作一部英剧。
The series follows a group of eight teenagers who live together in Anubis House (named after the Egyptian god Anubis), an early 1900s-era building that serves as a boarding house for an elite boarding school in the United Kingdom. Nina Martin (Nathalia Ramos), an American girl who had been living with her grandmother since the death of her parents, leaves the States to attend and move into the school; at the same time, another resident, popular student Joy Mercer (Klariza Clayton), suddenly disappears without warning and the school's strict caretaker, Victor Rodenmaar (Francis Magee), attempts to eliminate Joy's existence from the school.
