位置:咕嘟 > 美国电视剧 > 犯罪现场调查纽约篇第六季 > 犯罪现场调查纽约篇第六季海报剧照



Mac是一个敬业固执的警探,他曾服役于海军陆战队,因此他在工作中强调严谨和纪律。工作就是他的一切,在案子水落石出前他决不放弃。上一季中,他与法医女友Peyton分手,让不少fans十分惋惜。警探Stella拥有极强的自主能力,她无比渴望为暴力案件的受害者找寻公正和帮助,这也与她的过去息息相关,但不管遇到多大的挫折,我们的“希腊女神”依旧坚强地站在我们面前。Danny Messer是个总爱制造麻烦的CSI,Mac亲自挑选Danny进入自己的小组,对于Danny这既是荣誉更是责任,他总是努力工作以证明自己的实力;上一季中,邻居小男孩的被杀让他备受打击,也给他的恋情带来了危机。Sheldon Hawkes曾是实验室的法医,之后主动提出加入了Mac的队伍,是个十分聪明的药学博士。 Lindsay来自美国西部Montana州,她将中西部的办案精神带到纽约并很快融入了这个团队。警探Don Flack出生于警察世家,他在查案时经常使用一些游走于法律边缘却十分有效的手段。
The CSIs find three young women, all of whom appear to have been brutalized in the same way. Photographs found at one of the crime scenes lead the team to a couple who had sponsored one of the victims, and the boyfriend of another victim who claims he hasn't spoken to her in weeks. Unfortunately the only witness they have is one of the young women, who has Locked-in syndrome. www lumia922.com
A wealthy young woman is found to have been raped and beaten in Central Park, but only a peony leaf on her clothing can direct Stella and Danny to the scene of the rape. Worse, no DNA is found from the rape kit and the victim has no memory of what happened, making the task of finding the perpetrator a real challenge. Meanwhile, a junkie is found shot to death in an alleyway, but the bullet that killed him is missing. Mac, Aiden, and Hawkes soon realize that a rat may have eaten the bullet, and finding the rat leads them to a robbery that occurred earlier that day. www xiguatv8.com
