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格蕾丝的救赎 第三季高清海报剧照

格蕾丝的救赎 第三季海报,格蕾丝的救赎 第三季剧照是由咕嘟电影网的编辑团队精心整理,欢迎分享至微博,开心网,人人网,QQ空间,博客等SNS社区,求关注,求分享,求转发!

Grace Hanadarko是俄克拉荷马州的一名警探,她一辈子都生活在快节奏中,她是警界的传奇人物,做事雷厉风行、不计后果。她很少考虑私人生活--也许她不愿意让自己的脚步停下来,也许在工作中看到了太多悲惨的事情,也许她自己也经历过巨大的不幸,也许当她一个人独处的时候,她会感到痛苦而孤独。久而久之,她养成了桀骜不驯的性格--她酗酒,和错误的男人上床,公然挑战上司的权威,办事不遵守规矩,对待罪犯决不手软……她甚至把坏蛋在自己公寓里关了三天三夜!她也从不迁就自己的同事--包括她的搭挡兼现任情人Hamilton "Ham" Dewey(Kenneth Johnson)、警员Butch Ada(Bailey Chase)和验尸官Henry Silver(Mark L.Taylor)。 一天夜里,命运和她开了个玩笑--她遇到了流落人间的天使Earl!没错,就是那种背上长着一对翅膀的天使,那翅膀时不时还会露出来。Earl被分配了一个费力不讨好的任务:驯服Grace,帮助她,引导她回归正途。不用说,这是个巨大的挑战。  

Grace Hanadarko is an alcoholic, chain-smoking, self-hating Oklahoma City police detective on a self-destructive downward spiral. Grace is carrying on an affair with her married detective partner, Ham, and occasionally looks after her 12-year-old nephew Clay, who's mother was killed in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Grace also happens to be an atheist having renounced God following the 1995 bombing, but gets along with most of her co-workers including forensic specialist Rhetta, a deeply religious family woman, but is estranged from the rest of her family including her reverend older brother. But one night, Grace experiences a spiritual awakening upon encountering an enigmatic angel, named Earl, who saves her life in a horrific car crash for a chance to redeem her sinful lifestyle. Grace and her team center on the mysterious disappearance of a 10-year-old girl who may have been a serial kidnapper's latest victim, while Grace also learns that a death-row prison inmate, named Leon Cooley, also has a spiritual connection to Earl.
