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Plot Summary for Soldaat van Oranje (1977) This film depicts World War II through the eyes of several Dutch men. It covers the beginning of the war, the Nazi occupation and the liberation. It has resistance fighters, Nazi collaborators, torture by the Gestapo and nekkid boobs. The film manages to be both entertainment and a very serious and patriotic portrayal of the role of Holland in WWII. Summary written by Mark Logan {marklo@west.sun.com} 纳粹军旗下本片根据赫瑟豪夫自传体小说改编,是当时荷兰最大成本的大制作,描述二次大战时六个大学生参加地下反纳粹运动的历险故事,偶有妙趣,但整体感觉有点臃肿庞杂。男主角豪厄尔扮演参加抵抗运动的英俊贵族,从纳粹占领区逃跑,来到英国,参与流亡中的荷兰政府,进行了一系列特工活动,最后加入皇家空军。
