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非完美藏身 第一季高清海报剧照

非完美藏身 第一季海报,非完美藏身 第一季剧照是由咕嘟电影网的编辑团队精心整理,欢迎分享至微博,开心网,人人网,QQ空间,博客等SNS社区,求关注,求分享,求转发!

Danny Brogan和妻子Evelyn由于证人保护计划带着两个孩子整理好行囊,举家搬到宁静宜人的Meadowlands。这个田园诗般的偏远天堂起先的确像一个开始新生活的完美地点,但不久Brogan一家就意识到了过去并没有他们想象中的那么容易摆脱。
  这部剧也在英国播放,名字叫《愤怒角》(Cape Wrath)。

Meadowlands is the name of the bucolic town where the Brogan family -- Danny (David Morrissey) and Evelyn (Lucy Cohu) and their two teenage kids -- are relocated after joining the witness protection program. Only the family's new surroundings aren't quite the safe haven they expected it would be. The show is a joint production between Showtime and the U.K.'s Channel 4.
