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最高档 第十七季高清海报剧照

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最高档Top Gear,亚洲电视播放时称之为车迷大本营,PlayStation 3游戏跑车浪漫旅5中译名为极速对决))是英国广播公司(BBC)制作的著名汽车节目,曾获得过英国电影电视艺术学院奖(BAFTA)、多项英国国家电视奖(NTA)以及艾美奖。 最高档Top Gear早在1977年便开始播出,最初只是一档中规中矩的传统汽车节目。但自2002年以后,该节目就日益变得幽默并热闹非凡。现在,節目由三位主持人杰瑞米·克拉克森(Jeremy Clarkson)、詹姆斯·梅(James May)和理查德·哈蒙德(Richard Hammond),加上试车手斯蒂格“The Stig”(这个名字的意思是他姓Stig,叫“The”,因为字母T大写了,因此“The”不是冠词, 由多人飾演)。据估计,目前最高档Top Gear在全世界拥有多达3亿5000万观众。 最高档Top Gear在BBC 2台首播,此外BBC美国、澳大利亚特别广播服务也播出这一节目。由于其流行效应,Top Gear还在美国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯和中国推出了在当地制作、使用当地主持人的国际档。 最高档Top Gear由于其精美的图像采编和诙谐调侃的主持风格而得到了相当多的好评,当然也有不少针对其内容和主持人言行的批评。专栏作家 A. A. Gill说Top Gear“拥有扣人心弦、具有动感的剪辑,是采编技巧的伟大胜利”,而有的环境保护组织则指责Top Gear剧组破坏环境,比如在非洲特辑中开着3辆超旧车横穿Botswana(博茨瓦纳)的Makgadikgadi(马卡迪卡迪)干盐湖。 最高档Top Gear也有推出杂志。在当今的所有Top Gear主持人中,杰瑞米·克拉克森是唯一的元老级人物。他曾和制片人安迪·威尔曼一道在90年代使得Top Gear获得过相当的成功。老版于2001年终结后,新版于次年推出,并播出直到现在。原版本主持人之一的Tiff Needell则转往另一频道制作Fifth Gear汽车节目,风格较接近原版的Top Gear节目

The team head to the North Pole by car - something never before attempted and something they were going to attempt by two different methods. One team composed of Jezza (Jeremy Clarkson) and Captain Slow (James May) in the car and the other team being Hamster (Richard Hammond), Mattie McNair (one of the world's leading sled-dog explorers and racers) and 10 huskie dogs.
The car (of course) was a Toyota Hilux kitted out with "Cuban Wheels" (as Jeremy called them), heavy duty suspension, a toughened sump-guard and heavy-duty fog-lamps (which turned out to be as useful as Captain Slow attempting a land-speed record). The dogs insisted on urinating on Hammond and fighting amongst themselves, but were definitely up to the job.
Each team would race each other but before they began, the guys were sent to a cold weather training camp to give them an idea of what they'd be facing. A doctor told them what would happen if they forgot to seal their trousers and how to go to the toilet without a polar bear giving them bother but the guys weren't taking him seriously. The next day Jeremy taught Hammond how to ski (despite Hamster's cries of fear) and a man from the British SAS with a distorted face showed Jeremy how cold it could be if he fell through a hole in the ice. Still, the Top Gear crew weren't taking the dangers seriously so legendary explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes was brought in to demonstrate how dangerous this region could be.
Eventually though, they were off. With a copious supply of gin, Jezza and Slow blitzed the open ground North of Camp Resolute and left Hamster in their powdered snow in pursuit of the pole. Hammond was the tortoise in this race and fell from his dog-sled with alarming regularity. This was until they reached the legendary 'boulder-fields' - huge lumps of snow and ice that would leave your average semi-detached property cowering in their shadows. As the ice started to crack beneath the wheels of the pickup-truck, the boys started to realize that they should have paid more attention to the warnings they had been given before they set off.
What followed was an adventure that involved Icelandic experts, a "bumper-dumper", James May showing off with a pump-action shotgun, a cracked fuel-tank, broken ice, extreme cold, kite-surfing, inflating tyres with explosive gas, Jeremy forgetting that cold metal will stick to your lips, a pointless game of "I-Spy", and more excitement than you could ever expect from your every-day episode of the world's most popular motoring show.
