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律师本色 第三季高清海报剧照

律师本色 第三季海报,律师本色 第三季剧照是由咕嘟电影网的编辑团队精心整理,欢迎分享至微博,开心网,人人网,QQ空间,博客等SNS社区,求关注,求分享,求转发!

The Practice, 讲一帮criminal defense layer的故事。里面有大量的法庭辩论。以交叉询问为主,精彩的美国法庭戏。此剧是完全仿真的以法律调查为主题的系列剧。这是一家充满激情的律师事务所。对他们来说,每一个案子都是重要的,也会为每一个客户的利益争取到底。运用合法的策略是他们的工作方式,他们更依靠科学,把最受质疑的论点变得具有说服性。并且仍把追求正义放在首位,直到最终的结果被宣布……有时也会在宣判之后。然而追求正义,也常常使他们要面对伦理道德的是非问题。

Lindsay gets suspicious when Rebecca seems to be secretly awaiting an important letter - and realizes just how much she was right when the letter finally arrives. Ellenor gets a hysterical call from a client, who ran over a man in the street while drunk, and is shocked to discover exactly who he hit. Hellen prosecutes two boys accused of rape and murder, each accusing the other, and ends up making a deal with the wrong one.
