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Tom Cathcart在消防队工作了25年,退休之后,他希望和爱妻开心地度过退休时光。为此他绞尽脑汁,千方百计把奇懒无比、赖在家里不愿独立生活的20多岁的儿子赶出家门
In order to enjoy his retirement, a father takes drastic measures to get his twentysomething, slacker sons to move out and fend for themselves.
After 25 years with the fire department, Tom Cathcart (Danny DeVito) is determined to enjoy his retirement with his wife (Katey Segal) and will resort to anything - even kidnapping her - to get his slobbish twenty-something, stay at home sons to move out of the house. An uproarious comedy!
