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Series 7 of Doctor Who is expected to air on BBC One throughout 2012 and 2013.The BBC announced the news of the new series, which will contain fourteen episodes, on the official Doctor Who site on 8 June 2011.Series 7 will begin its run in the Autumn of 2012 with five regular stand-alone episodes and a Christmas Special. It will then be followed by the remaining eight episodes in 2013.
It has been announced that the Eleventh Doctor, played by Matt Smith will return for the full series. Karen Gillan, who plays Amy Pond, will return for the series, as will Arthur Darvill as Amy's husband Rory Williams.This series will see the departure of both Amy and Rory after an encounter with the Weeping Angels in episode five. A new companion portrayed by Jenna-Louise Coleman will be introduced in the Christmas Special.

神秘博士第七季分集剧情介绍:Amy和Rory的婚姻陷入窘境,此时Daleks们将博士以及Amy,Rory带到了Daleks的星球,而Daleks却向博士一行人寻求帮助,原因是监禁着犯罪的Dalek开始失去控制,而此时又出现了未知的天才女孩Oswin…… ...[神秘博士第七季分集剧情]
