位置:咕嘟 > 美国电视剧 > 菜鸟老爹第一季 > 菜鸟老爹第一季海报剧照



David Hobbs在电视台演了数年,妻子Amy Hobbs复出工作,他回到家庭照顾三个子女。

David Hobbs has been America's favorite Dad for the past 10 years, but that is all coming to an end. As David says goodbye to his life of sitcom T.V., reality awaits him at home with his wife and three kids. When the stay-at-home parent roles switch, David must learn the ins and outs of being a house-dad, while his wife Amy returns to the big screen. Suddenly, looking after three quirky kids and keeping their home in check becomes his newest starring role!
