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During the Islamic Revolotion in Iran, Iranian Kurdish poet Sahel Farzan and his wife Mina are arrested and imprisoned, an imprisonment that only Mina survives, or so she believes. But while Mina, released after 5 years, struggles to make a new life for herself and her children in Istanbul, Sahel is in fact alive. When he is finally released 25 years later, he emerges to find that everyone he knew believes him dead, an in returning to his family he weill have to re-examine the last 30 years and perhaps face some hard truths about himself...
20世纪70年代末,伊朗爆发翻天覆地的革命。库尔德族诗人萨赫尔(Behrouz Vossoughi 饰)在革命中受到冲击,他被指控撰写大量抨击批判当局的政治诗歌而和妻子米娜(莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 Monica Bellucci 饰)遭到逮捕。在狱中,夫妇俩经受了残酷的折磨和非人待遇。历经三十年的漫长刑期,萨赫尔重获自由,此时米娜早于五年前离开监狱。为了寻找妻子的下落,萨赫尔辗转来到土耳其。饱受时代和命运碾压的夫妇,他们的苦难远远没有尽头。荒野上的无助寻访,往昔斑驳滴血的记忆交替浮现……
本片根据伊朗诗人Sadegh Kamangar的日记改编,荣获2012年亚太电影节最佳摄影奖。
