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《政界小人物》(Spin City)第4季大结局的观众人数达到3,280万,播出时间为2000年5月24日。剧集最初由迈克尔-福克斯(Michael J. Fox)主演,最后迈克尔因病情逐渐恶化在2000年辞去角色,由查理-辛(Charlie Sheen)顶替男主角。这一集正是迈克尔-福克斯要离开的最后一集,观众都非常关注他的命运,而两年后他在最后一季中回归。

A talented cast provide a sophisticated ensemble comedy, filmed entirely in New York City. Michael Flaherty (Michael J. Fox), Deputy Mayor and right-hand man to Mayor Randall Winston (www. chaoji365.com), expertly keeps his co-workers and City Hall under complete control while his personal life often spins completely out of control. With a staff of wildly diverse characters consisting of a neurotic press secretary, a gay activist in charge of minority affairs, a chauvinist chief of staff, a highly efficient accountant, an idealistic speechwriter and an intrepid Mayor's assistant, it's hard to believe anything gets done! This popular and hilarious show ran on ABC for six seasons.
TV legend and superstar Heather Locklear joins the cast this season! And this is Michael J. Fox's final season with the series, for which he won a Best Actor Emmy. 4 DISC SET includes 26 original episodes! A variety of great guest stars include Heidi Klum, Nipsey Russell, Amy Irving, Regis Philbin, Christine Taylor, Meredith Vierra, Star Jones, Lisa Ling, Joy Behar, Judah Friedlander, Michael Gross and Patrick Ewing.
