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Robin Hood是英国民间传说中的英雄人物,劫富济贫的先锋。在正义与邪恶的较量下,Robin和他的朋友们一次又一次地拯救着苦难中的人们,与此同时他们也为友情,爱情和荣誉所困惑。作为家喻户晓的民间英雄, 以罗宾汉为素材的影视作品层出不穷, 本片由BBC翻拍, 既幽默诙谐,又感人至深。演员演技自然,角色演绎透彻。其服饰设计既展现了英国中世纪的特点,又不失现代感,是十分值得一看的中世纪英剧。
Fun, modern and intelligent, Robin Hood 2006 sets out to entertain a whole new generation and stars newcomer Jonas Armstrong in the lead role.
Filmed in Budapest, this 13 part series is a unique blend of exhilarating action adventure, wit and romance. Robin Hood's striking new look (no tights), coupled with the sharp scripts, updates the popular legend for a sophisticated contemporary audience.
Full of action, humour and romance, Robin Hood outwits and delights us as he fights the authority of the evil Sheriff of Nottingham with outrageous scams, disguises, tricks and ingenuity, breathtaking archery and incredible swordplay.
The series also stars Keith Allen (Bodies) as the Sheriff of Nottingham; Lucy Griffiths as the strikingly beautiful Marian; and Richard Armitage (North & South) as Sir Guy of Gisborne, the Sheriff's sadistic lieutenant.

罗宾汉第一季分集剧情介绍:五年后,参加十字军东征的Robin回到了家乡Locksley,却发现他的人民正受到新郡长冷血的残暴统治。在他离开的这段时间里,Gisborne来的Guy占有了他的土地。包括Scarlett一家人在内,许多村民生活苦不堪言。 Robin向前任郡长Edward寻求建议,却惊喜地发现孩提时代青梅竹马的恋人Marian(Edward的女儿)还未婚配。但Marian明确表态不想和Robin发生瓜葛。 Robin在诺丁汉郡的贵族大会上与郡长针锋相对,并当着众人的面叫他难堪。郡长想强迫Robin亲手将Dan Scarlett的两个儿子送上绞刑架,但Robin冒着生命危险大闹法场,成功救走无辜的犯人。 Robin带着Will Scarlett、Allan A Dale和Much逃入舍伍德森林,成了一名"法外之徒"。但是统治舍伍德森林的绿林好汉"小约翰"和他的手下人似乎并不欢迎他们的到来。 ...[罗宾汉第一季分集剧情]
