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马尔科姆的完成了他的生活。只有冰毒的噪音给他一个理由继续玩下去 - 一切很早就不管。配备了完整的武器和自制炸弹的袋子,他做他的方式到附近的商场真炒作。在他的个人战争竞选中,他不仅改变了他的一生大起大落,但也有其他人谁是在错误的地方在同一时间的命运:一个十几岁的最喜欢的消遣是抽大麻在他沉闷的存在,是家庭主妇,他们的最好的日子已经被甩在后面,一个贪婪的商人,他唯一的愿望就是增加他的财富和郁闷变态。
Malcom’s done with his life. Only the noise of Crystal Meth gives him a reason to keep going – everything else it has long regardless. Equipped with a bag full of weapons and self-made bombs, he makes his way to the nearby mall to really stir things up. On his personal war campaign, he not only changes his life radically, but also the fate of other people who are in the wrong place at the same time: a teenager whose favorite pastime is smoking pot in his dreary existence, a housewife, where their best days have been left behind, a greedy businessman whose only desire is to increase his wealth and a depressed pervert.
