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杜涛带着自己的梦想来到一个繁华的大都市,他站在一张印着‘功夫之星’全国演员海选的大海报前踌躇满志。但是刚刚起步的他处处碰壁,受尽了各种艰苦和嘲讽。在做保安期间虽出于正义救了女孩子萱,却也因此又丢了工作。 子萱是在某演艺公司做化妆,于是介绍杜涛在剧组里做替身和特技演员。在剧组工作之余,他找到了一份武术教练的工作,只有这样才能在这个城市生存下去。杜涛就任教练期间,他所面临是一群几乎不学无术的十几岁孩子,而且武馆馆长责令他必须在该界的武术比赛中让孩子们有所突破,否则这份工作也难以长久。 子萱和杜涛之间渐生情谊,在一次演武替中被一个导演看中,并立即决定他就是下部电影的主角。子萱和杜涛顿时高兴的大肆欢庆,但很快导演又告诉他取消他的主角,一时间杜涛意志消沉,却也因此深深的感染了孩子们决心用功练习,终于夺得了比赛冠军。 杜涛第一次来到了子萱的家中面见她的父母,却被子萱父亲一口拒绝,并搬出了他满意的乘龙快婿陆明。陆明各方条件都要比杜涛有优势,所以杜涛感情也到了崩溃边缘。最后他下定决心参加‘功夫之星’的海选,尽管比赛中险象环生,他还是成为了最后当之无愧的功夫之星。

The story of Chance Pe Dance is about a struggling actor who is very passionate about his career named Sameer (Shahid Kapoor). Sameer is really energetic and is always bursting with ideas, but struggles at times of getting a break in the film industry while keeping many different types of jobs. During his struggling in the various jobs, he meets a young girl named Tina (Genelia D'Souza). Atlast Sameer gets his big break in the film industry, but later finds out that he has to move out of his own house because he doesn't have enough money to pay all of his rents. Having no other choice left, Sameer starts living in his junky and shakey old car and starts teaching various types of dances to young kids who hate dancing, while he hates the kids. The kids also have tried to win competitions, but always lose. His life starts to shatter when the director who was supposed to cast Sameer, started to look at who has more talent through a hunt. Sameer starts to bond with the kids and gives all his attention to them. He also falls in love with the fun-spirited and gorgeous Tina. Tina finally convinces Sameer to enter the talent hunt. Thanks to his good luck and passion for acting, Sameer turns out to be the winner and emerges out as a superstar.
