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澳大利亚ABC台最新喜剧类电视剧《图书管理员》讲述了一个图书馆馆长兼虔诚的天主教徒Frances O'Brien所经历的种种磨难,她被迫雇佣她以前最好的朋友-现在的毒品商人Christine Grimwood作为孩子们的图书管理员。Frances必须想方设法包容她罪恶的过去,并专心准备图书馆最大的活动-图书周。

Frances O'Brien, devout Catholic and panic disorder sufferer, runs a very tight ship at the Middleton Interactive Learning Centre, a modern outer suburban Library. Always quick to point out she doesn't make the rules when in fact she does when it comes to her library. Despite the chronic vandalism, the dysfunctional staff and her own particular challenges with the ever-growing Muslim community, Frances wears her Head Librarian's badge with relish.
No more so than during the heady period leading up to Book Week - precisely the moment her life suddenly takes a turn for the worse!
