位置:咕嘟 > 科幻电影 > 2016:夜之尽头/地狱 > 2016:夜之尽头/地狱海报剧照



在不远的未来,人们熟知的地球已经不复存在。太阳挂在天上用不可思议的热度炙烤着地球已经整整四年时间了。在这种热度的摧残下,地球分成了两块——一块洪水肆虐,一块干旱无比。由于大饥荒,人类到了濒临灭绝的边缘,少数幸存者靠着剩余的事物和水度日。有传闻说,在一些山区,这种情况有所改善,很显然,那里在下雨。 玛娜和妹妹莱奥尼想尝试进山碰碰运气,为了能成行,她们找来了菲利普。交易很简单,玛娜用身体换食物和安全……
It is in the near future. The World, as we know it no longer exists. For the past four years the sun has been shining with an immense strength, creating unbearable heat and splitting the earth into two pieces: one with raging water storms, the other a dried up land with dying plants. Both unbearable for the human race. Due to famine the majority of the population has become extinct; the few survivors are living off horded food supplies. The cities are being raided and plundered. For those who still have food and drink, it is a struggle for survival. For some time now there have been rumors that the situation is improving in the mountains: apparently there is rain.
Marie (Hannah Herzsprung) and her sister Leonie (Lisa Vicari) attempt, with the help of Phillip (Lars Eidinger) and his rickety estate wagon, a journey into the mountains. The deal is simple: Marie shares a bed with Phillip and in exchange he shares his food supplies and keeps them safe. Far from their destination – without any gas left and a striking engine – they reach a desolate gas station. Whilst searching for fuel residues and something edible, they are caught off guard by a starved guy, who takes Leonie hostage and tries to black-mail them into handing their food supplies over. Phillip manages to defeat him. Once he learns that the guy, Tom (Stipe Erceg), can help them obtain gas and repair their car, Philip decides to take him along on their journey – the girls are reluctant.
It turns out that the log blocking their way was placed there on purpose by obscure figures in order to steal their car containing the food supplies and Leonie. In the aftermath it turns out that Tom is a much more reliable companion than Philip. During a rescue attempt he too is caught by the ruthless figures. Slowly Marie begins to realize that the thieves were not solely interested in their supplies but also in them. If she wants to see Leonie alive, she has to overcome her fear and –without Phillips help – fight the heat and the kidnappers.
A challenge that will take her places she could have never dreamt of....
