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国产电视剧《疯狂原始人》是由柯克·德·米科、克里斯·桑德斯导演,尼古拉斯·凯奇、 瑞恩·雷诺兹、 艾玛·斯通、 凯瑟琳·基纳、 克拉克 杜克、 克劳斯·利特曼、 克里斯·桑德斯、 兰迪·汤姆等明星主演的一部国产电视剧。《疯狂原始人》在国产拍摄完成,于2014年上映,获得了不错的口碑和很高的收视率,堪称经典国产电视剧,咕嘟剧情网欢迎您的观看。


原始人咕噜一家六口在老爸Grug(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 配音)的庇护下生活。每天抢夺鸵鸟蛋为食,躲避野兽的追击,每晚听老爸叙述同一个故事,在山洞里过着一成不变的生活。大女儿Eep(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 配音)是一个和老爸性格截然相反的充满好奇心的女孩,她不满足一辈子留在这个小山洞里,一心想要追逐山洞外面的新奇世界。

没想到世界末日突然降临,山洞被毁,一家人被迫离开家园,展开一场全新的旅程。离开了居住了“一辈子”的山洞,展现在他们眼前的是一个崭新绚丽却又充满危险的新世界,到处都是食人的花草和叫不出名字的奇异鸟兽,一家人遇到了全所未有的危机。在旅途中,他们还遇到了游牧部落族人Guy(瑞恩·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 配音),他有着超凡的创造力和革新思想,帮助咕噜一家躲过了重重困难,途中他还发明了很多“高科技”产品,并让他们知道了原来生活需要“用脑子”,走路需要“鞋子”等等。一行人在影片中展开了一场闹腾而又惊险的旅程





考虑到影片海报上是一个抠鼻孔的少女,本片最终显得出人意料地成熟。——《旧金山纪事报》彼得·哈特劳伯 令人熟悉的家庭关系在原始时代的背景下得到了十分幽默的夸张。——《芝加哥太阳报》内尔·米诺 影片恰到好处并且令人着迷地有趣,为没有见到野人的年轻一代拍摄。——《华盛顿邮报》迈克·奥沙利文 别的不说,片中惊艳的动植物使观众更容易愉快地”迷失“在影片中。——《今日美国》克劳迪娅·普格 春天第一份令人愉悦的惊喜,一部充满爱和智慧的华丽动画电影。——《Movie Nation》罗杰·摩尔 原始人如何面对新事物时的反应是影片最出色的部分。——《纽约时报》尼尔·根茨林格



  • 1、Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go.
    Thunk: Dad, I don't have a brain.
    "Eep: My name's Eep and this is my family, the Croods. We never had the chance to explore the outside world because of my dad's one rule:
    Eep: Never leave the cave.
    Grug: New is always bad. Never not be afraid!
    Eep: We never had a chance to explore the outside world, but what we didn't know was that our world was about to change."
    "[Gran tries to eat Belt, the sloth, but Belt pulls a knife on Gran.]
    Guy: Don't do that. He's not food. He's a pet, my pet.
    Gran: What's a pet?
    Guy: An animal you don't eat
    Gran: We call those children.
    Eep: [Smitten with Guy] Isn't this fun? We're taking our first trip together."
    "Grug: Just think, our whole family packed together on a long, slow trip across country. We'll tell stories. We'll laugh. We'll become closer as a family.
    [Sandy, the baby, bites Grug's face.]
    Grug: Ah, get her off!
    Ugga: If you're not ready to challenge her then don't look her in the eye!
    Gran: Could you keep your big giant arms on your side of the trail?!
    Grug: You want me to turn this family around? Do you? Because I will turn this family around so fast!
    Thunk: Dad, I gotta go!
    Grug: Come on, you can hold it.
    Gran: I'm not dying on an empty stomach.
    Ugga: Ugh, we're all pretty tired.
    Grug: We'll eat when we get there.
    Gran: It's taking too long! I'm grabbing a snack."
    "Guy: We've gotta move faster. I call them shoes.
    Eep: [screams] I love them! Where are my feet?"
    "Eep: Oh, I've been in that cave forever!
    Grug: Three days is not forever.
    Eep: It is with this family.
    Ugga: Mom, we're ready to leave. Mom?
    Gran: Still alive!
    Grug: It's still early."
    "Grug: Ideas are for weaklings."
    "Guy: Who are you.
    Eep: OH! Eep.
    Guy: Let me clarify Eep. The world is ending.
    Eep: What
    Guy: I am calling 'The End'"
    "Guy: I am guy.
    Eep: Guy.
    Guy: And this is Belt.
    Guy: Cook, conversationalist, navigator.
    Guy: Also keeps my pants up.
    Eep: What are pants up."
    "Guy: Belt, emergency idea generator activate!"
    "Grug: Never not be afraid."
    "Thunk: You need a name, I think I'll call you Douglas. Roll over Douglas."

